snowshoemen: The Light Brigade, Rebels and Redcoats 2018
snowshoemen: Our French allies, Rebels and Redcoats 2018
snowshoemen: Old French War veteran Etienne le Grand kitted out to fight with his American neighbors against his old enemy, the Redcoats.
snowshoemen: Etienne working his charm
snowshoemen: Rear Gear 1777--moosehide moccassins, possibly 200 year old center seam blanket from Tennessee, double bag linen pack, copper cook kettle
snowshoemen: Eames' Rangers, Rebels and Redcoats 2018
snowshoemen: On the Frontier
snowshoemen: Scotland Forever
snowshoemen: A Benjamin Church Musketman
snowshoemen: The Army preparing to move
snowshoemen: Light Infantry in the road
snowshoemen: Militia in the road
snowshoemen: Continentals in the road
snowshoemen: Redcoats in the road
snowshoemen: Light Bobs in the field
snowshoemen: "Mourn Arms"
snowshoemen: It's hot out here--we've beaten the Redcoats, now we've gotta beat the spectators
snowshoemen: Natty Bumppo & Chingachgook
snowshoemen: Frenchie at Louisbourg
snowshoemen: My son, the Pistoleer
snowshoemen: Sylvain 1691
snowshoemen: French Canadian friends 1691
snowshoemen: David 1691
snowshoemen: Mario 1691
snowshoemen: The tall Beaver Fur hat of the 1600-1640s period
snowshoemen: Colonial Workman's/Farmer's cap & Civilian Cocked Hat
snowshoemen: WW1 Royal Navy headgear
snowshoemen: Royal Navy Khaki Land Service bonnet Gallipoli period
snowshoemen: English Pith Helmet late 1900's