snowshoemen: 1680's
snowshoemen: Highland Games
snowshoemen: Mare & Adam 1660's
snowshoemen: Adam & Mare
snowshoemen: Working on the door
snowshoemen: The finished door
snowshoemen: Hey Pop, come on in
snowshoemen: Hey Beertender
snowshoemen: Service at last
snowshoemen: -------------CHEERS!---------
snowshoemen: Front inside door
snowshoemen: ----------Beautiful---------
snowshoemen: Adam's family chest
snowshoemen: Enjoying the ambiance
snowshoemen: The Great dining area
snowshoemen: The Intimate dining area
snowshoemen: --------The bed----------
snowshoemen: Mare checking the roast
snowshoemen: Basting the bird
snowshoemen: Bird's done--Let's eat
snowshoemen: Nice setting
snowshoemen: Time to load up the plates
snowshoemen: ---------Diggin in-----------
snowshoemen: ---About time--Dessert---
snowshoemen: Any chance I could move in and live in this room Adam?
snowshoemen: --------Aww gee Pop
snowshoemen: Adam at the Brink of the Plunge!
snowshoemen: Vinnie&Paul
snowshoemen: Nuff Said!
snowshoemen: Church's musketmen