snowshoemen: Harmon's Snowshoemen
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 250th
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 250th
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 250th
snowshoemen: ft. Ti. 08
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 08
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 250th
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 250th
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti 250th
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 250th
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 250th
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti 250th
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 250th
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 250th
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti 08
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 250th
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 250th
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 250th
snowshoemen: Ft. Ti. 250th
snowshoemen: Good Luck?
snowshoemen: Lots of Highlanders
snowshoemen: With a long gun
snowshoemen: With an even longer gun
snowshoemen: Back of the French redoubt
snowshoemen: New toy
snowshoemen: Waiting for inspection
snowshoemen: Still waiting
snowshoemen: Inspection
snowshoemen: FT. Ti. 08
snowshoemen: A Parting Shot