solarixx: Forget the planets....we have a war to fight.
solarixx: an excuse for a song
solarixx: In your eyes
solarixx: I'm not fucking Zen
solarixx: And the blood will dry
solarixx: run baby run baby run baby run....
solarixx: Solar storm
solarixx: The Depth
solarixx: Collodion rage
solarixx: shadows and goodbyes
solarixx: The compulsion to repeat
solarixx: Remember when you believed...
solarixx: Sehnsucht
solarixx: How the fuck are we supposed to know,if we're in love or if we're in pain
solarixx: On every hill
solarixx: Same pic ,different mood
solarixx: Wet feather
solarixx: J'adore la liberté
solarixx: save the kiss goodbye
solarixx: protection
solarixx: I will go....
solarixx: je vois la vie en rose.....(almost)
solarixx: Sometimes hate is not enough to turn this all to ashes
solarixx: Pretensions of a third world girl
solarixx: Blame the planets
solarixx: Maternal heart
solarixx: Blame the planets
solarixx: Blame the planets
solarixx: You used to write insane poems about ANGELS AND GOD
solarixx: Everything is easier behind a glass