solarixx: ESTA BOCA ES MIA
solarixx: strawberry lips forever
solarixx: You don't like the photographs of me
solarixx: NIGHT HUNGER
solarixx: did i...
solarixx: hand,wall,bird,wind,cage,ground....and all the things we can't let go.
solarixx: i know it's only black'n white (but i like it)
solarixx: yes baby, it's coming. it's coming ....
solarixx: yes...i should try but i don't want .
solarixx: ...and all the things we can't let go.
solarixx: Pleased to meet you ...
solarixx: and then.....the silence.
solarixx: TORN
solarixx: THE OMEN
solarixx: Ecdysis
solarixx: I wish I could sleep....but I can't lay on my back
solarixx: i will teach you about the gravity of love
solarixx: COSMIC GIRL
solarixx: let it go....let go....
solarixx: JUST HOURS...
solarixx: the end of the world has just started
solarixx: I am your butterfly,i need your my samurai
solarixx: everything.
solarixx: she carefully took the butterfly off of her mouth,and then...she could scream.
solarixx: angel
solarixx: learn to cry
solarixx: like tears in rain