Solarbotics: 74HC595-IMG_0126
Solarbotics: 35045-IMG_0127
Solarbotics: 17855-IMG_0131
Solarbotics: 17855-back-IMG_0133
Solarbotics: KSMD L293D motor driver in GM4
Solarbotics: New Protoboards for 2011!
Solarbotics: GP2Y0A02 with 11" 3-Conductor Servo Cable
Solarbotics: Separate the servo cable wires
Solarbotics: Strip the Servo cable wires
Solarbotics: Wires stripped and ready to be tinned
Solarbotics: Tin your wires
Solarbotics: Snip the JST
Solarbotics: Tin your Connections
Solarbotics: Find some Heat shrink and cut 3 pieces
Solarbotics: Solder Your wires
Solarbotics: Shrink the Heat shrink
Solarbotics: Save the JST!
Solarbotics: Synapse-to-XBee adapters
Solarbotics: Synapse to USB Adapter
Solarbotics: Synapse to USB Adapter