Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Aerial drawing of house from Washington State, as it is planned for the competition site for Solar Decathlon 2017.
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Aerial drawing of house from Washington State, as it is planned for its final location after the Solar Decathlon 2017 in a village of tiny homes.
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Drawing of the front of the house from Washington State, as it is planned for its final location after the Solar Decathlon 2017 in a village of tiny homes.
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Drawing of the kitchen and dining room of the house from Washington State for Solar Decathlon 2017.
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Drawing of the dining room of the staircase to the loft, with a skylight above, in the house from Washington State for Solar Decathlon 2017.