Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon:
SD2013: University of Nevada Las Vegas Kitchen
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon:
SD2013: University of Nevada Las Vegas Dining
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon:
SD2013: University of Nevada Las Vegas Hallway
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon:
SD2013: University of Nevada Las Vegas Bathroom
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon:
SD2013: University of Nevada Las Vegas Bedroom
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon:
SD2013: University of Nevada Las Vegas Bedroom
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon:
SD2013: University of Nevada Las Vegas Family Room
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon:
SD2013: University of Nevada Las Vegas Living Space
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon:
SD2013: University of Nevada Las Vegas Hallway
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon:
SD2013: University of Nevada Las Vegas Deck
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon:
SD2013: University of Nevada Las Vegas Deck
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon:
SD2013: University of Nevada Las Vegas Exterior
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon:
UNLV Panorama