Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Purdue Claims Leader Title After Affordability Contest
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Illinois Gives Public Tours
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Middle School Students Tour Team Florida
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Middle School Students Tour Team Florida
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Middle School Students Tour Team Massachusetts
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Middle School Students Participate in Interactive Games
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Education Day Students Participate in Interactive Games
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Purdue University Tours
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Education Day - Prizes for Green Trivia
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Education Day at Solar Decathlon 2011
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: SCI-Arc/Caltech Celebrates Third in Affordability Contest
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: SCI-Arc/Caltech Celebrates Third in Affordability Contest
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Parsons NS Stevens Celebrates First in Affordability Contest
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Parsons NS Stevens Accepts First Place in Affordability Contest
Dept of Energy Solar Decathlon: Parsons NS Stevens Accepts First Place Tie in Affordability Contest