solanna7: even the cats drink tea in Istanbul!!!
solanna7: Ortakoy
solanna7: three is a croud
solanna7: Αγια Σοφία
solanna7: Αγια μου Σοφία μου πως κατάντισες...
solanna7: Grand Bazar
solanna7: Θέλω να πιώ όλο τον Βόσπορο...
solanna7: I want these too!!!
solanna7: I want them and I want them now!!!!
solanna7: THE view!!!!
solanna7: this is life too 2!!!
solanna7: this is life 2!!!
solanna7: view from above...(from Marmaras tower)
solanna7: Marmaras bridge
solanna7: this is life!!!
solanna7: παλιά μου τέχνη, κόσκινο...
solanna7: the spice of life
solanna7: Its a colourful world
solanna7: Blue Mosque
solanna7: Αγία Σοφία
solanna7: boat heaven
solanna7: coming home
solanna7: waiting for another day
solanna7: waiting for the day
solanna7: Turkish waters, Greek waters...
solanna7: Turkish waters...???