Sokleine: Targu Mures, the City Hall tower and the Cultural Palace
Sokleine: Targu Mures, the Cultural Palace
Sokleine: Targu Mures, inside the City Hall
Sokleine: Targu Mures, inside the City Hall
Sokleine: Targu Mures, inside the City Hall
Sokleine: Targu Mures, the City Hall
Sokleine: Targu Mures, the City Hall
Sokleine: Cluj-Napoca, the National Theatre
Sokleine: Bucharest, Macca-Vilacrosse passage
Sokleine: Bucharest, Macca-Vilacrosse passage
Sokleine: Bucharest, George Enescu museum
Sokleine: Bucharest, an old renovated mansion
Sokleine: Bucharest, George Enescu museum house
Sokleine: Bucharest, George Enescu museum
Sokleine: Bucharest Athenaeum