Sokleine: Fontainebleau palace and its monumental horse-shoe stairs
Sokleine: Fontainebleau palace and monumental stairs
Sokleine: Fontainebleau palace - Napoléon iron gate
Sokleine: Fontainebleau Castle and gardens with the statue of the hunting goddess Diana
Sokleine: Fontainebleau Castle and rear gardens
Sokleine: Chapel St-Saturnin in Fontainebleau castle
Sokleine: Chapel St-Saturnin in Fontainebleau castle
Sokleine: Chapel St-Saturnin in Fontainebleau castle
Sokleine: Chapel St-Saturnin in Fontainebleau castle
Sokleine: Fontainebleau castle - Stained glass window in St-Saturnin chapel - Lower floor
Sokleine: Fontainebleau castle - Stained glass window in St-Saturnin chapel - Lower floor
Sokleine: Fontainebleau castle - Inside the "Salle des colonnes"
Sokleine: Fontainebleau gardens of Diana seen from the "Galerie des Cerfs"
Sokleine: Napoleon's iron Gate leading to the "Galerie des cerfs"
Sokleine: Fontainebleau "Galerie des cerfs"
Sokleine: Fontainebleau Galerie des cerfs
Sokleine: Vaux le Vicomte castle and gardens
Sokleine: Vaux le Vicomte gardens and lakes
Sokleine: Special effects in Vaux le Vicomte
Sokleine: Geometric French gardens of Vaux le Vicomte
Sokleine: From the tower of Vaux le Vicomte
Sokleine: Green water and red leaves
Sokleine: WWI museum in Meaux (Musée de la Grande Guerre en Pays de Meaux)
Sokleine: WWI museum in Meaux (Musée de la Grande Guerre en Pays de Meaux)
Sokleine: Camouflage ceiling
Sokleine: German soldiers of World War I
Sokleine: French soldiers of World War I
Sokleine: French soldier of World War I (from former colonies)
Sokleine: French soldier of World War I (from former colonies)
Sokleine: Aeroplane during World War I