Dalton907: I wanna see Momma!
Dalton907: Chillin....
Dalton907: ...changing of the guard...
Dalton907: these things were worth the trip by themselves!
Dalton907: Focused!
Dalton907: Don't..... Move....
Dalton907: Mr. Bad Ass himself...
Dalton907: Pullin out...
Dalton907: What cha got in ya backpack lady?
Dalton907: Last train from the North headed South...
Dalton907: the hopes of bringing the North and South together again...
Dalton907: the hopes of bringing the North and South together again...
Dalton907: the hopes of bringing the North and South together again...
Dalton907: the hopes of bringing the North and South together again...
Dalton907: ...its too far!
Dalton907: single step...
Dalton907: Wretched Bug...
Dalton907: ...Dozin...
Dalton907: from above...
Dalton907: Lovin the trees here...
Dalton907: FIELD TRIP!!!
Dalton907: I C U!