andreas schlegel: 06_horseSkull (verowhite)
andreas schlegel: 05_horseSkull (physical object)
andreas schlegel: 04_horseSkull (image to contour, processing)
andreas schlegel: 03_horseSkull (image to point cloud, processing)
andreas schlegel: 02_horseSkull (point cloud to mesh, meshlab rendering)
andreas schlegel: 01_horseSkull (original, 1 of 5 angles)
andreas schlegel: syntfarm mongolia (4)
andreas schlegel: syntfarm mongolia (3)
andreas schlegel: syntfarm mongolia (2)
andreas schlegel: syntfarm mongolia (1)
andreas schlegel: IMGP3176
andreas schlegel: horse_3
andreas schlegel: IMGP3128
andreas schlegel: IMGP2973
andreas schlegel: IMGP2821
andreas schlegel: IMGP3122
andreas schlegel: IMGP2141
andreas schlegel: IMGP2718
andreas schlegel: IMGP1808
andreas schlegel: IMGP2557
andreas schlegel: IMGP1805
andreas schlegel: IMGP2466
andreas schlegel: IMGP2379
andreas schlegel: IMGP1793