soja: xmas self-portrait
soja: Self portrait, black and white in bauble.
soja: Tell me. What do you want for Christmas?
soja: Myself in my hand.
soja: Looking up to myself.
soja: Is Father Christmas looking?
soja: PS Self-portrait in a bauble
soja: Curl up and disappear
soja: Self portrait pop style.
soja: Self portrait pop style.
soja: My favourite shoes
soja: Birkenstocks
soja: Feet Up
soja: Dog training
soja: Me and the dog
soja: Just like starting over.
soja: Restless.
soja: Bored.
soja: Photo Booth Lucky and me
soja: Lying in
soja: Stitch by stitch
soja: Hands at work