* andrew: macau * playing alone
* andrew: Maritime Square *
* andrew: Hunghom KCR Station
* andrew: Hong Kong Coliseum
* andrew: Think different
* andrew: 80% go or no-go
* andrew: Cross Harbour Tunnel
* andrew: macau * no business
* andrew: My First Natura Shot
* andrew: macau * "lighthouse" at street
* andrew: lighting up
* andrew: chinese wedding banquet
* andrew: My wife's first nature shot
* andrew: macau * street food stall
* andrew: macau * checking in
* andrew: 傷城 poster-like
* andrew: macau * colorful choices
* andrew: HKU 174th Congregation
* andrew: macau * fried chestnuts stall
* andrew: crowd
* andrew: All, stand up, National Song is playing....
* andrew: Maritime Square * yum cha
* andrew: macau * cleaing zone
* andrew: snowmans delivery
* andrew: on the way...
* andrew: Hong Kong Coliseum
* andrew: Walking alone
* andrew: macau * paper box collector
* andrew: music in the corner