sohara: Checkpoint BCE Place
sohara: Jeff waiting
sohara: Jeff Schwalm
sohara: BCE Roof
sohara: First Team to arrive at Milestone BCE Place
sohara: Figuring out the clues
sohara: Old vs New
sohara: View in BCE Place
sohara: BCE Place, Lambert Atrium
sohara: Checking the clues at BCE Place
sohara: Hiding in Sobey's...chickens
sohara: Smiles in the rain
sohara: Checkpoint Harbourfront Centre
sohara: Almost done
sohara: Louis smiling despite the rain
sohara: Rainy Checkin
sohara: That is more than one street car can handle
sohara: Heading to the next checkpoint
sohara: The troops hit the TTC
sohara: DEDD, KCHO and DSAV
sohara: Moe and me!
sohara: Bryan and Pete
sohara: The Recruiting Women
sohara: Sara, Kristen, Kelly, Andrea and Andrea (and ME!)
sohara: Joel and Me!
sohara: Pete and Me!
sohara: Mo
sohara: Kristen and Me!
sohara: Kelly's dessert
sohara: Pete