soham_pablo: Rolf 'n' Marcel
soham_pablo: Ice Hockey vs Biology
soham_pablo: How I lost 20 kilos in 8 months - by D.Köppel
soham_pablo: Balz and Daniel
soham_pablo: These are the spices for which the Portuguese came to India
soham_pablo: Eat away !
soham_pablo: Already tired ?
soham_pablo: What is Dani looking for ?
soham_pablo: Herr Balz Recher
soham_pablo: Whew ! Thirsty.
soham_pablo: That's Rolf's fourth
soham_pablo: There's more food coming.....
soham_pablo: Chef in Action
soham_pablo: Digging in.
soham_pablo: Yummy
soham_pablo: Round Table conference