softsimu: Intrinsically disordered proteins: 1KDX
softsimu: Intrinsically disordered proteins: A snapshot of the Kelch domain of Keap1 (in green)
softsimu: Free state dynamics of an exoenzyme S peptide (exoS) relative to its bound state with 14-3-3
softsimu: Force field comparison: Amber, GROMOS, CHARMM, OPLS
softsimu: Force field comparison: Snapshot 1: Amber, GROMOS, CHARMM, OPLS
softsimu: Force field comparison: Snapshot 2: Amber, GROMOS, CHARMM, OPLS
softsimu: Snapshots from our force-field test.
softsimu: Snapshots from our force-field test.
softsimu: Beta hairpin formation using Amber99SB* force field
softsimu: Force field comparison for beta hairpin formation
softsimu: Force field comparison: Amber, GROMOS, CHARMM, OPLS
softsimu: Convergence of the 32-mer mouse Neh2 peptide to a bound-state-like β-turn conformation
softsimu: Microsecond atomistic MD simulation: Transition of the 9-mer mouse Neh2 peptide from an extended to beta-turn conformation.
softsimu: Force field comparison: Single peptide using Amber99SB*