Softness: Leigh's peach pjs
Softness: Melrose
Softness: Melrose
Softness: Tristen
Softness: Arizona
Softness: Melrose
Softness: Moxie Teenz
Softness: Moxie Teenz
Softness: Arizona pink and silver
Softness: Bijou fashion
Softness: Bijou fashion
Softness: Tristen
Softness: Leigh red
Softness: Leigh red
Softness: Bijou curly hair
Softness: Bijou curly hair
Softness: Moxie Teenz at the pool
Softness: Moxie Teenz at the pool
Softness: Bijou bathing beauty
Softness: Arizona's new look
Softness: Bijou braids
Softness: Bijou and Julian
Softness: candy pink Tristen
Softness: Tristen's pretty outfit
Softness: pretty girl
Softness: Melrose black wig
Softness: Arizona 2.0
Softness: Arizona's blue eyes
Softness: Melrose new wig
Softness: Melrose short hair