softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate alpaca-1005511
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate crucifixion bench-
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate towards kemmel pano-
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate spanbroekmolen cemetery to peace pool crater-1005500
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate spanbroekmolen cemetery-1005499
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate spanbroekmolen cemetery-1005498
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate peace pool crater-1005494
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate peace pool crater-
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate view from peace pool crater-1005483
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate view towards france-
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate church & fields-1005470
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate yellow wagtail with worm-
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate yellow wagtail-1005454
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate white wagtail-1005450
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate walkrs & church-
softmarmotte1: 1404 chiff chaff-
softmarmotte1: 1304 chiff chaff-1005424
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate spanbroekmolen cemtery-1005393
softmarmotte1: 1404 wijtschate german bunker-1005390
softmarmotte1: Tyne Cot Cemetery-1030839
softmarmotte1: Tyne Cot Cemetery-1030833
softmarmotte1: Langemark German Cemetery-1030830
softmarmotte1: Ieper-1030824
softmarmotte1: Ieper jon & Sue-1030822
softmarmotte1: Vlamertinghe New Military Cemetery-1030820
softmarmotte1: Vlamertinghe New Military Cemetery-1030817
softmarmotte1: Vlameertinghe-1030817
softmarmotte1: Skelton grave-1030816-2
softmarmotte1: Skelton grave-1030816
softmarmotte1: Vlamertinghe New Military Cemetery Jon & Sue-1030815