SofiDofi: Field
SofiDofi: Nice light
SofiDofi: The farm house
SofiDofi: Rotten apples
SofiDofi: Blue
SofiDofi: Snow
SofiDofi: Tree in water
SofiDofi: Isesjø
SofiDofi: Alley
SofiDofi: Tranquility
SofiDofi: Reaching
SofiDofi: Water mirror
SofiDofi: Lonely
SofiDofi: Norwegian scenery...
SofiDofi: View from a train
SofiDofi: The Haglund-Øien family
SofiDofi: Desolated
SofiDofi: Thousand
SofiDofi: Close to home
SofiDofi: The home of Gollum?
SofiDofi: Niiiice
SofiDofi: Going to bed
SofiDofi: Peak-a-boo
SofiDofi: Pretty pretty
SofiDofi: Fiery fury
SofiDofi: Off to see the danes!
SofiDofi: Janne
SofiDofi: The good life
SofiDofi: Kano
SofiDofi: View from the bridge