sofi01: Alfred Schwarzschild (German, b.1874), "The end of summer"
sofi01: John Melhuish Strudwick (1849-1937), "Love and time"
sofi01: Cesar Philipp (German, b.1859), "Allegoria Della Primavera"
sofi01: Charles Napier Kennedy (British, 1852–1898), "The Fountain of Youth", 1892
sofi01: Albert Klingner (German, 1869 - 1912), "The Dying Year: a Fantasy"
sofi01: Charles Maurin (French, 1856–1914), "Maternity", 1893
sofi01: Simeon Solomon (British, 1840–1905), "Night"
sofi01: Maxwell Ashby Armfield (British, 1882–1972), "Spring Banishing Winter"
sofi01: Auguste Leveque (French, 1864-1921), "Allegory of the Arts", 1907
sofi01: René Jules Lalique (French, 1860–1945), "Noel", 1905
sofi01: Phoebe Anna Traquair (Irish, 1852-1936), "Love's Testament", 1898
sofi01: Wilfred Gabriel de Glehn (British, 1870–1951), "Night"
sofi01: Jacques Alice Wagrez (French, act. 1877-1880 ), "Quadrige de l'Amour"
sofi01: Alexandre-Auguste Hirsch (1833-1912), "Night"
sofi01: Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale (1871-1945) - "Youth and the Lady"
sofi01: Wilhelm List (Austrian, 1864-1918), "Daylight and Twilight"
sofi01: Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale (1872-1945), "The Uninvited Guest"
sofi01: Henry John Stock (British, 1853-1930), "Influences"
sofi01: Evelyn de Morgan (1855-1919), "The Sleeping Earth and Wakening Moon"
sofi01: Paul François Quinsac (French, 1858-1932), "Allégorie de la Musique"
sofi01: John Dixon Batten (1860-1932) - "The Garden of Adonis - Amoretta and Time" (1887)
sofi01: Edward Robert Hughes (1851-1914), "Night with Her Train of Stars"
sofi01: Jean-Louis Hamon (1821-1874), "La Nuit"
sofi01: Edward Robert Hughes (1851-1914), "Night"
sofi01: Edward Robert Hughes (1851-1914), "Day"
sofi01: Edward Robert Hughes (1851-1914), "On the Wings of the Morning"
sofi01: Walter Crane - "The Roll of Fate"
sofi01: Moritz Stifter (Vienna 1857–1905 Mauer-Öhling), "Allegory of Dream"
sofi01: Herbert James Draper, "Art and the Jade"
sofi01: Paul Jean Gervais (French, 1859 - 1936), "L'art industriel de l'orfèvrerie"