Soffenoffe: 雾里 / 翁里
Soffenoffe: October butterfly
Soffenoffe: 秋那桶 / Qiunatong
Soffenoffe: 茶马古道 / Ancient Tea Horse Trail
Soffenoffe: Creek by the Qiunatong village
Soffenoffe: Qiunatong village creek
Soffenoffe: Lisu house
Soffenoffe: Lisu farm house
Soffenoffe: Qiunatong siblings
Soffenoffe: 秋那桶玉米 / Qiunatong corn
Soffenoffe: 秋那桶女孩 / Qiunatong girl
Soffenoffe: 秋牡丹 / Chinese anemone
Soffenoffe: 秋那桶 / Qiunatong
Soffenoffe: Qiunatong in morning mist
Soffenoffe: Qiunatong pigpen
Soffenoffe: 丙中洛喇嘛寺
Soffenoffe: jungle far north of the Tropics
Soffenoffe: remote mountain village
Soffenoffe: jungle cliff trail
Soffenoffe: 翁里/雾里
Soffenoffe: 丙中洛
Soffenoffe: kelgrisen
Soffenoffe: proud daddy
Soffenoffe: October flower
Soffenoffe: Nu River
Soffenoffe: 农民伯伯
Soffenoffe: 彩虹桥 / Rainbow bridge