Soffenoffe: 天坛/Temple of Heaven
Soffenoffe: 前方学校/School ahead
Soffenoffe: 孔庙/Temple of Confucius
Soffenoffe: 798艺术区/798 Art Zone
Soffenoffe: 798艺术区/798 Art Zone
Soffenoffe: wedding shoot in 798 Art Zone
Soffenoffe: 古柏/old cypress
Soffenoffe: 古柏/old cypress
Soffenoffe: 潘家园/Panjiayuan
Soffenoffe: queuing for the "Maosoleum"
Soffenoffe: 天坛/Temple of Heaven
Soffenoffe: 天坛/Temple of Heaven
Soffenoffe: 天坛/Temple of Heaven
Soffenoffe: ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
Soffenoffe: ice warriors
Soffenoffe: 哈尔滨东北虎园/Harbin Siberian Tiger Park
Soffenoffe: 哈尔滨东北虎园/Harbin Siberian Tiger Park
Soffenoffe: 哈尔滨东北虎园/Harbin Siberian Tiger Park
Soffenoffe: 哈尔滨东北虎园/Harbin Siberian Tiger Park
Soffenoffe: Panda on the Wall
Soffenoffe: a Great Wall donkey
Soffenoffe: The Great Wall
Soffenoffe: Wolf! Wolf!
Soffenoffe: wolf sculpture
Soffenoffe: 狼来了!Wolf!
Soffenoffe: 植物园 / The Botanical Garden