birdmanron: Grey Heron Yorkshire England
birdmanron: Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary Ardnamurchan Scotland June 2024
phil winter: Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)
phil winter: Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
phil winter: Little Owl (Athene noctua)
fix.68: 09 mai 2024-Z90_9626
Les Photos de Gabriel: Cabézon à tête rouge - Eubucco bourcierii Red-headed Barbet 7585_Nik_DxO
photodawg2008: Male Osprey
johnfugl: _BYA8502
peterschmidt2711: Melanargia galathea
peterschmidt2711: Callimorpha dominula
peterschmidt2711: Polygonia c-album
@wilder_action: Free flow
Frank.Vassen: Mélitée des linaires (Melitaea deione), Le Collet-de-Dèze, Lozère, France
DaveSPN: Out And About
DaveSPN: Say G'bye Now - HBBBT
DaveSPN: Opening - 77/100
DaveSPN: Yellow Legs - HWW
patricia.hoedts: Red-veined darter - Sympétrum à nervures rouges - Sympetrum fonscolombii
peterschmidt2711: Limenitis camilla
Patrick Verhaeghe: Misumena vatia - Thomise variable, Araignée-Citron (FR) - Crab spider, Goldenrod Crab spider (UK) - Araña cangrejo (ES) - Veränderliche Krabbenspinne (DE) - Blomkrabbspindel (SE)
CR Courson: Pruning Cattails
Carolien114: Goulds violetoorkolibrie - Sparkling Violetear
Bill Richmond: Barn Owl with breakfast
p.marteville: Colors of the Nature
@wilder_action: Cuckoo sweat bee I think.
Oldt1mer - Keith: Speckled Wood in Sunlight
erikbogh: Juv. Barred Owl, 2024-July-14, Concord, MA
Arnt Kvinnesland: Netelia tarsata