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2010 // samuel p. taylor state park by v snow
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v snow
Old Fashioned Peach soda
v snow
Old Fashioned Peach soda
v snow
My peach soda
v snow
Bubba's Diner
v snow
Homemade pies, Bubba's Diner
v snow
Bubba's Diner
v snow
fried soft-shelled crab blt
v snow
Kobe meatloaf, mac n cheese, biscuit
v snow
The sweet cream butter was so good, I could have eaten it with a spoon
v snow
Campsite #19
v snow
we called this the tree cathedral
v snow
our trusty tent underneath the redwoods
v snow
View of the devil's gulch creek from our campsite
v snow
we came back for breakfast the next morning
v snow
homemade corned beef hash
v snow
Salmon Crossing
v snow
Sly likes salmon
v snow
Mr. slug
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Devil's Gulch trail
v snow
stairstep falls
v snow
stairstep falls
v snow
stairstep falls
v snow
v snow
sly made friends w/a ex-airforce colonel
v snow
strange fungus on fallen tree
v snow
strange fungus on fallen tree
v snow
pausing along the 4.1 mile trail up to Barnabe peak
v snow
where's waldo?
v snow
where's waldo?
v snow
on one of the many bridges along the hike
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