Sockeyed: Groom
Sockeyed: Camel Cart
Sockeyed: Ahmedabad
Sockeyed: Copper Wallah
Sockeyed: Copper Wallahs
Sockeyed: Copper II
Sockeyed: Copper Pots
Sockeyed: Gujarati Village
Sockeyed: Old Smoker
Sockeyed: Gujarati Village
Sockeyed: Gandhi (?) and Derek
Sockeyed: Schoolgirls, Gujarat
Sockeyed: Schoolgirls, Gujarat
Sockeyed: Gujarati Village
Sockeyed: Gujarati Village Scene
Sockeyed: Out on Bikes, Gujarat, 1995
Sockeyed: Monkeys, Cambat, Gujarat, 1995
Sockeyed: Udaipur, 1995
Sockeyed: Hero, Udaipur, 1995
Sockeyed: Ear Cleaning
Sockeyed: Nap Time, Mumbai, 1995
Sockeyed: On the Delhi Express
Sockeyed: Gathering
Sockeyed: Substantial Pipe
Sockeyed: Street Nap
Sockeyed: Majid Wallah
Sockeyed: Mending Nets
Sockeyed: Wedding Procession
Sockeyed: Village Wedding
Sockeyed: Village Wedding