Socíkstyle: soc.15th anniversary of socialist Youth League
Socíkstyle: Recruitment poster in the construction
Socíkstyle: Witness at Dukla-second memory to the operation world War II
Socíkstyle: Spartakiada 1960
Socíkstyle: J.Gagarin-first man in space
Socíkstyle: Lidice-commemorative poster 1962
Socíkstyle: International Women's Day
Socíkstyle: 20 years of alliance with the USSR
Socíkstyle: International Children's Day
Socíkstyle: Labor Day
Socíkstyle: thanks to the Soviet Army-liberator
Socíkstyle: Great October Socialist Revolution
Socíkstyle: The Communists in better times
Socíkstyle: ready to work and defense
Socíkstyle: 9.May-victory Day
Socíkstyle: anti-war poster
Socíkstyle: Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
Socíkstyle: The Slovak National Uprising 1944
Socíkstyle: Communist soldier agitational poster
Socíkstyle: After work: the playground and the gym