Society for Science: STS 1972 Finalists on the Capitol steps
Society for Science: STS 1972 Finalists at the NIH with their hosts
Society for Science: STS 1972 Finalists with R.L. Wells of Westinghouse and a 31st year cake
Society for Science: STS 1972 - RL Wells of Westinghouse and Nobel Laureate Glenn Seaborg with Finalists Susan Landau 3rd place, Nina Schor 1st place, and Tony Horowitz 2nd place
Society for Science: STS 1972 - R.L. Wells, Lewis Branscomb and Glenn Seaborg with Finalists Susan Landau 3rd place, Nina Schor 1st place, and Tony Horowitz 2nd place
Society for Science: STS 1972 Top Five Finalists with R.L. Wells of Westinghouse and Nobel Laureate Glenn Seaborg
Society for Science: STS 1972 Top Ten with the 31st anniversary cake l-r back - Solomon(4th), Horowitz(2nd), Grensdir(6th), Gershenzon(7th), Schiefele(9th), F. Birdsall(5th). front -- Canfield(10th), Landau(3rd), Schor(1st), Lee(8th)
Society for Science: STS 1972 Top Ten Women with R.L. Wells, Glenn Seaborg, and the 31st year cake
Society for Science: STS 1972 1st place winner Nina Schor with Glenn Seaborg and R.L. Wells
Society for Science: STS 1972 l-r Alan Grenadir 6th place, Nina Tabachnik (Schor) 1st place and Holly Birdsall 5th place
Society for Science: STS 1972: Nobel Laureate Glenn Seaborg congratulating top winners
Society for Science: STS 1972: Nobel Laureate Glenn Seaborg congratulating Nina Tabachnik (Schor) 1st and Alan Grenadir 6th
Society for Science: STS 1972: Glenn Seaborg presents a Lifetime Achievement award to Leonard Carmichael of the Smithsonian
Society for Science: STS 1972 Finalist Jan Agosti
Society for Science: STS 1972 Finalist Mark Nicholas speaks at the Awards Gala