Society for Science: STS 1958 Finalists pose on the Capitol steps
Society for Science: STS 1958 Project list and ballot for Public Day
Society for Science: STS 1958 Finalists walking from the Capitol
Society for Science: Dr. J. R. Killian Jr., Special Assistant to the President for science and technology speaks with STS 1958 first place winner Reinier Beeuwkes
Society for Science: STS 1958 Finalists on an excursion to the National Bureau of Standards
Society for Science: STS 1958 Finalist during Public Day with (then) Vice President Richard Nixon
Society for Science: 1958 (Then) Vice President Richard Nixon at STS 1958 Public Day
Society for Science: STS 1958 Finalist doing a demonstration on Public Day
Society for Science: STS 1958 Finalists visit a testing pool
Society for Science: STS 1958 Finalists Irving Thomae and Reinier Beeuwkes with their Congressman Joseph W. Martin Jr. (R-MA) during the Congressional Dinner
Society for Science: Dr. J.R. Killian Jr., Science advisor to the President, with top five STS 1958 Finalists
Society for Science: Top STS 1958 Finalists after the Gala
Society for Science: Dr. J. R. Killian Jr. Science advisor to the President, with top two STS 1958 Finalists Dushan Mitrovich and Reinier Beeuwkes
Society for Science: Top five STS 1958 Finalists. Left to Right: 2nd place Dushan Mitrovich, 3rd place Jane Richardson (Shelby), 1st place Reinier Beeuwkes, 4th place Donald Jerina, & 5th place Neil Nininger
Society for Science: Top five STS 1958 Finalists. Left to Right: 2nd place Dushan Mitrovich, 3rd place Jane Richardson (Shelby), 1st place Reinier Beeuwkes, 4th place Donald Jerina, & 5th place Neil Nininger
Society for Science: Dr. J.C.R. Kelly Jr. talks answers questions from STS 1958 Finalists after his lecture/demonstration on "Chemical Power and Electron Thermodynamics" at the Congressional Dinner
Society for Science: 1958 Top five STS Finalists with Dr. J. R. Killian, Science Advisor to the President
Society for Science: 1958 Dr. J.R. Killian Jr. congratulates Jane Richardson (Shelby) on receiving 3rd place