Society for Science: STS 1976: Mark Gubrud 3rd place, Edward Phinney 1st place, and Scorr Cohen with Nobel Laureate Glenn Seaborg
Society for Science: STS 1976: Program Manager Dorothy Schriver and a security guard near the White House
Society for Science: STS 1976: The Capitol Building
Society for Science: STS 1976: Finalists walk in front of the White House with Dorothy Schriver
Society for Science: STS 1976: Finalists walk in front of the White House
Society for Science: STS 1976: Finalists walk in front of the White House with Dorothy Schriver
Society for Science: STS 1976: Finalists walk in front of the White House
Society for Science: STS 1976 Top Ten winners congratulate each other
Society for Science: STS 1976 Top Ten winners with Emelio Q. Daddario, Glenn Seaborg, and Thomas J. Murrin
Society for Science: STS 1976: Finalists walk around DC with Dorothy Schriver
Society for Science: STS 1976 Top Ten with daffodils
Society for Science: STS 1976: statue at the Kennedy Center
Society for Science: STS 1976 Top Ten winners with Thomas Murrin
Society for Science: STS 1976: Kennedy Center
Society for Science: STS 1976 Finalists at the White House gate with Dorothy Schriver
Society for Science: STS 1976: Finalists walk in front of the White House
Society for Science: STS 1976 Finalists at the White House gate with Dorothy Schriver
Society for Science: STS 1976: Mark Gubrud 3rd place, Edward Phinney 1st place, and Scorr Cohen with Emelio Daddario, Glenn Seaborg, and Thomas Murrin
Society for Science: STS 1976 Finalists on the Capitol steps
Society for Science: STS 1976 Finalists on the Capitol steps
Society for Science: STS 1976 Finalists on the White House lawn
Society for Science: STS 1976 1st place Edward Phinney III
Society for Science: STS 1976 2nd place Scott Cohen
Society for Science: STS 1976 3rd place Mark Gubrud
Society for Science: STS 1976 4th place William Schwartz
Society for Science: STS 1976 5th place Joel Fajans
Society for Science: STS 1976 6th place Diane Wooden
Society for Science: STS 1976 7th place Alice Chow
Society for Science: STS 1976 8th place David Boothby
Society for Science: STS 1976 9th place George Yancopoulos