Society for Science: STS 1969 Finalists on the Capitol steps
Society for Science: STS 1969 Finalists discover the unpredictable March weather in DC
Society for Science: STS 1969 Finalists play in the snow in DC
Society for Science: STS 1969 - Nobel Laureate Glenn Seaborg chats with Finalists
Society for Science: STS 1969 1st place Lane Hughston
Society for Science: STS 1969 2nd place David Wright
Society for Science: STS 1969 3rd place Edward Jackson, III
Society for Science: STS 1969 4th place Willy Shih
Society for Science: STS 1969 5th place William Ganong, III
Society for Science: STS 1969 6th place Claude Raifaizen
Society for Science: STS 1969 7th place Jennie Orr
Society for Science: STS 1969 8th place Clarence Wiley
Society for Science: STS 1969 9th place Justin Schaffert
Society for Science: STS 1969 10th place John Whittaker
Society for Science: STS 1969 Gala Dinner
Society for Science: STS 1969: A Finalist waits on the stairs before the Awards Gala
Society for Science: STS 1969 Top 3 winners with unknown and Nobel Laureate Glenn Seaborg
Society for Science: STS 1969 Top 10 with unknown
Society for Science: STS 1969 Top 10 with President of NAS, Dr. Philip Handler
Society for Science: STS 1969 Top 10 with Nobel Laureate Glenn Seaborg
Society for Science: STS 1969 Top 3 Winners (David Wright 2nd place, Lane Hughston 1st place, and Edward Jackson III 3rd place, with unknown
Society for Science: STS 1969 Top 3 Winners (David Wright 2nd place, Lane Hughston 1st place, and Edward Jackson III 3rd place, with unknown
Society for Science: STS 1969 E.G. Sherburne of Science Service, Nobel Laureate Glenn Seaborg, and unknown
Society for Science: STS 1969 Nobel Laureate Glenn Seaborg and unknown
Society for Science: STS 1969 Top 3 Winners (David Wright 2nd place, Lane Hughston 1st place, and Edward Jackson III 3rd place, with President of NAS Dr. Philip Handler
Society for Science: STS 1969 Top 10 with Nobel Laureate Glenn Seaborg
Society for Science: STS 1969 Finalists with unknown at the Awards Gala.