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2024 Annual General Meeting by SfC SoCal
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SfC SoCal
SfC SoCal
Alessandra Kawakubo and Barbara Wampole
SfC SoCal
Aspacia Kusulas and Caroline Arakaki
SfC SoCal
Karin Gabel and C.C. Sadler
SfC SoCal
Lloyd Wong, Kitty Maryatt, and Selimah Nemoy
SfC SoCal
Janet Martorello and Alessandra Kawakubo
SfC SoCal
Eva-Lynn Diesenhaus, Barbara Close, and Jann Marks
SfC SoCal
Linda Renner and Lona Lee
SfC SoCal
Stephanie Chau, Patty Dey, Sandy Doerr, and Jane Shibata
SfC SoCal
Barbara Carroll, Linda Renner and Yvonne Perez Collins
SfC SoCal
Enjoying lunch
SfC SoCal
Ellen Mott-Jablonski, Jann Marks, Dee Anderson
SfC SoCal
Conversations with Larisa
SfC SoCal
Eva-Lynn Diesenhaus, Yakima Anhand, and Chava Gerber
SfC SoCal
Yukimi Annand, Zelda Harrison, and DeAnn Singh
SfC SoCal
SelimahNemoy, Ed Fong, and David Mark
SfC SoCal
Barbara Close and Kitty Maryatt
SfC SoCal
Group Photo
SfC SoCal
Lona Lee, Suzanna Lauver, and Barbara Carroll
SfC SoCal
Stephanie Chao and Patty Dey
SfC SoCal
Barbara Carroll and event organizer Chava Gerber
SfC SoCal
Sandy Doerr and Chris Ewen
SfC SoCal
Jennifer Padilla and Ed Fong
SfC SoCal
Yukimi Annand, Caroline Arakaki, and Lona Lee
SfC SoCal
Ellen Mott-Jablonski and Yvonne Perez Collins
SfC SoCal
Tom Barron and Barbara Wampole
SfC SoCal
Selina Nemoy and Kitty Maryatt acknowleged as charter members, along with Nancy Campbell
SfC SoCal
President Ed Fong makes remarks
SfC SoCal
Everyone listening to Ed Fong tell a wonderful story
SfC SoCal
Everyone listening to Ed Fong tell a wonderful story
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