SfC SoCal: Group Shot!
SfC SoCal: Society for Calligraphy Southern California
SfC SoCal: Amazing Nametags by Ann Lawrence!
SfC SoCal: morning view of the garden as taken from the door of the Voskuyl chapel
SfC SoCal: VIew of our lovely setting
SfC SoCal: morning view of the duck pond near the chapel
SfC SoCal: the fried egg flower (matilija poppy) seen in a few places on campus
SfC SoCal: the very strange softball sized mushroom in the woods (latticed stinkhorn), I saw a couple of these unusual fungi in the woods between the big bridge from our dorms and Adams
SfC SoCal: View of Westmont College
SfC SoCal: View of Westmont College
SfC SoCal: View of Westmont College
SfC SoCal: View of Westmont College
SfC SoCal: Lovely Tree Photos from Ellen
SfC SoCal: Lovely Tree Photos from Ellen
SfC SoCal: Lovely Tree Photos from Ellen
SfC SoCal: Lovely Tree Photos from Ellen
SfC SoCal: Lovely Tree Photos from Ellen
SfC SoCal: SfC Retreat 2023
SfC SoCal: SfC Retreat 2023
SfC SoCal: SfC Retreat 2023
SfC SoCal: Marjorie and Hiromi
SfC SoCal: People
SfC SoCal: Sylvia displaying her work
SfC SoCal: SfC Retreat 2023
SfC SoCal: Linda Elder, Caroline Arakaki & MaryLou Johnson
SfC SoCal: Snack Table!
SfC SoCal: Snack table
SfC SoCal: Loquats at the snack table!
SfC SoCal: We can create a Scriptorium out of any space
SfC SoCal: Scriptorium