SfC SoCal: Kristi introduced Liesbet
SfC SoCal: DSCN6103
SfC SoCal: DSCN6104
SfC SoCal: Getting ready for the workshop
SfC SoCal: DSCN6106
SfC SoCal: Enjoying the coffee break-2
SfC SoCal: Xandra making name tags-1
SfC SoCal: DSCN6109
SfC SoCal: Xandra making name tags
SfC SoCal: Enjoying the coffee break
SfC SoCal: Enjoying the coffee break-1
SfC SoCal: Yukimi and Carrie looking at Liesbet's work
SfC SoCal: IMG_0013
SfC SoCal: IMG_0015
SfC SoCal: IMG_0017
SfC SoCal: IMG_0023
SfC SoCal: IMG_0025
SfC SoCal: IMG_0026
SfC SoCal: IMG_0027
SfC SoCal: IMG_0028
SfC SoCal: Barbara
SfC SoCal: Kristi
SfC SoCal: Nancy
SfC SoCal: Linda
SfC SoCal: Stephanie
SfC SoCal: IMG_0038
SfC SoCal: Kathy
SfC SoCal: Jane
SfC SoCal: Sylvia