SfC SoCal: Lisa
SfC SoCal: Carey
SfC SoCal: Jackie and Marilyn
SfC SoCal: Lefty-2
SfC SoCal: Gary
SfC SoCal: Lefty and Gary
SfC SoCal: Linda Hirsh
SfC SoCal: Ellen making pots
SfC SoCal: DSCN5833
SfC SoCal: We are making a card for Harry Dougherty
SfC SoCal: Alice
SfC SoCal: Coffee Break on Patio
SfC SoCal: After the Zentangle session
SfC SoCal: Lise
SfC SoCal: Carrie
SfC SoCal: Ann and Char
SfC SoCal: Ann Doskow
SfC SoCal: Fran and Ellen
SfC SoCal: Gary and Nancy_ Phantom Liner?
SfC SoCal: In the dining hall
SfC SoCal: Ann and friends
SfC SoCal: Finished card and envelope for Harry_
SfC SoCal: Ellen and Carrie after a walk
SfC SoCal: Alice_ working
SfC SoCal: Ann_ Lise_ Carey
SfC SoCal: Work on the walls
SfC SoCal: Sign on wall in back of Scriptorium
SfC SoCal: Jackie
SfC SoCal: Carrie and Kitty
SfC SoCal: Kitty's First Zentangle