MyMicheleCA: amelia w/texture
MyMicheleCA: Eating ice cream! Yum!
MyMicheleCA: Ashton loves ice cream!
MyMicheleCA: Mmmmmm
MyMicheleCA: Learning from Sis
MyMicheleCA: Being his goofy self!
MyMicheleCA: Ashton trying to feed Amelia
MyMicheleCA: Feeding Amelia
MyMicheleCA: Putting together a puzzle
MyMicheleCA: Putting together a puzzle
MyMicheleCA: Ashton coloring
MyMicheleCA: Ash digging at the park
MyMicheleCA: Daddy helping!
MyMicheleCA: Happy Birthday Baby!
MyMicheleCA: Captivated by the light
MyMicheleCA: Amelia eating daddy's cake!
MyMicheleCA: Yum! Cake
MyMicheleCA: Anthony enjoying cake!
MyMicheleCA: I'm gonna do it!
MyMicheleCA: Together!
MyMicheleCA: Looking at a penny
MyMicheleCA: He loves those School Buses!
MyMicheleCA: Amelia...your so cute :)
MyMicheleCA: The music train
MyMicheleCA: Helicopter
MyMicheleCA: Sharing
MyMicheleCA: More fun at Baskin-Robbins
MyMicheleCA: Reflection
MyMicheleCA: Hanging out
MyMicheleCA: Hanging out - in color