Sober Chick: Bye Bye Christmas, see you next year.
Sober Chick: Christmas Decor again!
Sober Chick: Ahhhh, crap!
Sober Chick: Before
Sober Chick: Who is that handsome guy in the middle
Sober Chick: Chilin in the kitchen
Sober Chick: And so we travel to happy destinies
Sober Chick: And so we travel to happy destinies
Sober Chick: Some normies!
Sober Chick: I wonder what they are talking about?
Sober Chick: Mayday & Mark
Sober Chick: My Mr Incredible
Sober Chick: More Normies!
Sober Chick: Love You!
Sober Chick: The anticipation!
Sober Chick: Fun and Games 3
Sober Chick: Fun and Games 2
Sober Chick: Fun and Games
Sober Chick: Reindeer Games
Sober Chick: Party over here, party over there
Sober Chick: Our Housewarming party warmed with beautiful souls.