From right to left: Le Roy d'Espagne (House of the Corporation of Bakers), La Brouette (House of the Corporation of Greasers), Le Sac (House of the Corporation of Carpenters), La Louve (House of the Oath of Archers), Le Cornet (House of the Corporation of
From right to left: L'Étoile (House of the Amman), Le Cygne (House of the Corporation of Butchers), L'Arbre d'Or (House of the Corporation of Brewers), La Rose (Private House) and Le Mont Thabor (Private House), Grand Place, Brussels, Belgium
Equestrian Statue of Charles of Lorraine, L'Arbre d'Or (House of the Corporation of Brewers), Grand Place, Brussels, Belgium
From right to left: Le Cerf (Private House), Joseph et Anne (Private House), L'Ange (Private House), La Chaloupe d'Or (House of the Corporation of Tailors), Le Pigeon (House of the Corporation of Painters) and Le Marchand d'Or (House of the Corporation of
From right to left Le Heaume (Private House), Le Paon (Private House), Le Petit Renard (Private House), Le Chêne (Private House), Sainte-Barbe (Private House) and L'Âne (Private House), Grand Place, Brussels, Belgium
Stained glass window by Jan Haeck after Bernard van Orley depicting Louis II of Hungary (1538), Cathedral of St. Michael and Ste. Gudule, Brussels, Belgium