snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Geophysics on the Schaltenrain" by Igo Medarić, University of Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Reading the past in the soil, sanctuary of Artemis (Euboea island, Greece)" by Tobias Krapf, University of Lausanne
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Golden Hour in the Kalahari by Ruiz Hector, University of Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Snow sampling in the Arctic (MOSAiC)" by Matthias Jaggi, WSL
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Tanita" by Nicolas Blind, University of Geneva
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Culture of surveillance" by Adria LeBoeuf, University of Fribourg
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Early morning at the butcher" by Stephan Bischofberger, Kantonsspital SG / CHUV
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "You will have wings" by Kaan Mika, ETH Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Saturday Afternoon" by Lisa Gnirss, University of Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Hauling up the past" by Moritz Muschick, University of Bern
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Fish Works by Peter Fischer, ETH Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Learning and assessing surgical skills 3" by Julien Busset, Swiss Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Art of Molecule" by Ralf Stutzki, University of Basel
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Scientist collects coral of interest underwater" by Guilhem Banc-Prandi, EPFL
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Christophe Javet is measuring soil moisture" by Erika HIltbrunner, University of Basel
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Aufstieg im Nebel by Oli Schramm, WSL
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Forensic research, naturally" by Lara Indra, University of Bern
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Youngest woman in chemistry 3" by Ahmed Elabd, University of Fribourg
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "A badge of cumulative capital required to use my temporary office" by Annelise Erismann, University of Lausanne
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Accessing a Ring Ouzel nest by Sophie Marti, University of Bern
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Having a break" by Daria Filatova, Eawag
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Reflection" by Arianna Pisciella, University of Lausanne
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Rainy Day Vegetation Survey" by Mikko Tiusanen, ETH Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Interview with a meerkat" by Isabel Driscoll, University of Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Prof.Dr.Pablo Sinues (Group Head) digging into an older mass spectrometer" by Mélina Richard, University of Basel
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Between stones and soil" by Nicolas Diesbach, University of Bern
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Memento Mori of the Thinking Brain by Leander Diener, University of Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Forest Pathology" by Vivanne Dubach, WSL
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Researcher at work in VR" by Jeanine Ammann, ETH Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: "Porträt im Windkanal 2" by Florian Dombois, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste - ZHDK