snsf_scientific_image_competition: Spatial impulse wave by Frederic Evers, ETH Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Scientist at work by Juerg Sigrist, Eawag
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Cold Block by Madlaina Boillat, University of Geneva
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Invasive trees & rockfall stability by Jan Wunder, Marco Conedera and Simon Knüsel, WSL
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Sampling an Antarctic Glacier by Bereiter Bernhard, Empa and University of Bern
snsf_scientific_image_competition: What came first, autonomy or localisation? by Beuchat Paul, ETH Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: The experience of memory in postwar Peru by Dietrich Martha-Cecilia, University of Bern
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Measuring leaf spectral signatures at the top of tropical trees by Schneider Fabian, University of Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: String figure 2 by Boehi Melanie, University of Basel
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Inattention by Florian Grossmann, University Hospital Basel
snsf_scientific_image_competition: The Institute of Sonic Epistemology by Ludwig Zeller, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Formation of Milky Way-like galaxy by Biernacki Pawel, University of Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Traveling to Tajikistan by BLONDIN Suzy, University of Neuchâtel
snsf_scientific_image_competition: Massive Multichanel Microencapsulation by Ofner Alessandro, ETH Zurich
snsf_scientific_image_competition: The production of Toushey in Myanmar by Georg Winterberger, University of Zurich