umseas: A fully loaded barge of rock is delivered to the project site
umseas: A fully loaded barge of rock is delivered to the project site
umseas: Jennifer Read, Michigan Sea Grant, listens to questions from the media
umseas: Wildlife along the river
umseas: Jim Erickson, University of Michigan News Service
umseas: Greg Kennedy shows a reporter the channel bathymetry
umseas: Barge containing substrate for the reef
umseas: A detailed look at the channel bathymetry
umseas: Happy participants out to celebrate the reef
umseas: Participants get a closer look at the project barge and crane
umseas: Barge containing the project substrate
umseas: Participants get a closer look at the project barge and crane
umseas: Participants get a closer look at the project barge and crane
umseas: The tug boat maneuvers into position
umseas: Barge containing the project substrate
umseas: Tug boat used to maneuver the large project barge to and from the center of the waterway.
umseas: Sea Grant Extension agent, Mary Bohling addressing the audience
umseas: Don Brown, Staff Member for US Congresswoman Candice Miller
umseas: Enjoying the ride to the project site
umseas: Paulette Duhaime, Vice President of the St. Clair Area of Concern Binational Public Advisory Council
umseas: Jennifer Read, Acting Director Michigan Sea Grant, Project Lead
umseas: Jim Boase, US Fish and Wildlife Service
umseas: Jim Boase explaining why the reef location was selected
umseas: Jim Boase explaining why the reef location was selected
umseas: Jennifer Read, Acting Director Michigan Sea Grant, Project Lead
umseas: panaoramic river
umseas: Terry Heatlie, NOAA Habitat Restroation Specialist