snowlight: IMG-20130110-00575
snowlight: IMG-20130112-00577
snowlight: IMG-20130112-00578
snowlight: IMG-20130112-00580
snowlight: IMG-20130113-00583
snowlight: IMG-20130113-00587
snowlight: IMG-20130113-00590
snowlight: IMG-20130116-00592
snowlight: IMG-20130119-00594
snowlight: IMG-20130120-00598
snowlight: IMG-20130120-00599
snowlight: IMG-20130121-00602
snowlight: Ipswich-20130125-00613
snowlight: Ipswich-20130125-00619
snowlight: Ipswich-20130126-00620
snowlight: Ipswich-20130126-00621
snowlight: Ipswich-20130126-00622
snowlight: Ipswich-20130126-00623
snowlight: Ipswich-20130127-00625
snowlight: Ipswich-20130129-00626
snowlight: Ipswich-20130130-00643
snowlight: Sobe: One minute into 2014
snowlight: Sobe at Home on her bed
snowlight: 1198
snowlight: Window view right now, during the blizzard
snowlight: Sobe wants out! Notice the snow is about a foot or more above the threshold. I had to shovel to let her out! BYW, we are officially at the top of the list in Ipswich with 24.1" of snow!
snowlight: Snowdog
snowlight: This morning's light
snowlight: Icicled
snowlight: View from Sally's House