Waders: Arriving in NYC
Waders: Through the gates....
Waders: A look at the steeple of Trinity
Waders: A mighty oak has survived its envlopement of death.
Waders: A church in the city.
Waders: Another far shot of Trinity Church grounds.
Waders: A closer view of the stones.
Waders: Towering like the many buildings around it.
Waders: These stones are from the 1860's.
Waders: Flaking stones unreadable.
Waders: The buildings....
Waders: Moss on Stone.
Waders: Do you see what I see?
Waders: A door embolized with the cross.
Waders: A marker....
Waders: In the foyer of the church enterance.
Waders: Inside Trinity
Waders: Another angle, the stained glass amazing.
Waders: Trash New York City
Waders: Ground Zero.
Waders: Empires view of the Empire of NYC.
Waders: Um, hello?
Waders: Looking North, Jersey just beyond.
Waders: Do you see Macy's?
Waders: A bad photo of the cute couple at Empire.
Waders: A view to a City
Waders: A great view of the Financial District.
Waders: A closer view with Liberty in the background.
Waders: What is she doing?
Waders: She will kill me for this one.