Snowfairy: Funshine bear, one of the happiest of yellow characters. I’ve owned this plastic figure for many decades and it currently lives in the yellow section in our colour themed display cupboard, because I couldn’t throw it away. #helloyellow #10happythings #car
Snowfairy: Yellow mustard. My daughter has been asking me to draw mustard all week as it’s one of her favourite yellow things. (She was given 25 little sachets of mustard for her birthday.) I have to agree with her, I’m a big fan of condiments and we both adore a fr
Snowfairy: I really wanted to support @youngmindsuk #helloyellow this October in my own little way. So each day for 10 days I drew a yellow object. Something that made me feel positive that day and if it made someone’s else day a little brighter then I’m happy with
Snowfairy: A mug of Spiced Ginger Tea in one of my favourite mugs. The ginger spice kick is perfect for waking up, but then its also very soothing in the evening, it’s magical. #helloyellow #10happythings #gingertea #Twinings #newyork #starbucksmug #youarehere #ment
Snowfairy: Yellow shoes. My first pair of yellow shoes (many years ago) made me feel like I was walking on sunshine and this is still true. I would happily wear yellow everyday. #helloyellow #10happythings #yellowshoes #converse #illustration #mentalhealthawareness
Snowfairy: A hot buttered crumpet on a chilly Sunday afternoon. Just the thought of crumpets make my feel cozy and warm. #helloyellow #10happythings #crumpets #illustration #october #yellow #mentalhealthawareness
Snowfairy: Homemade lemon curd, in a glass jar with a clear plastic cover, a handwritten label and an elastic band. Lemon curd is a happy reminder of my grandmother and all the many, many things she baked, cooked for her family. #helloyellow #tenhappythings #mentalh
Snowfairy: In my mind, custard creams are crunchy crumbliness, filled yellow deliciousness. Perfect with a warm drink for an autumnal mid morning break. #helloyellow #custardcreambiscuits #10happythings #yellow #mentalhealthawareness #illustration
Snowfairy: A sketch I made to remember my grandparents.
Snowfairy: Illustration of a yellow Lego figure
Snowfairy: Illustration of marmite rice cakes
Snowfairy: Illustration of a monstera plant
Snowfairy: Illustration of a whoopee cushion
Snowfairy: Illustration of a slowly opening chrysanthemum
Snowfairy: Illustration of Apple cake
Snowfairy: My illustration of a yellow magic band
Snowfairy: A family portrait in a yellow frame
Snowfairy: My personal challenge to draw 10 happy yellow objects.