Ted Harinishi: San Ysidro Mountain in the distance
Ted Harinishi: Blossom of Ocotillo: Tall, prominent plant, long stems with both leaves and spines, red flowers on tips of stems
Ted Harinishi: Bigelow's Monkey Flower: It is native to the southwestern United States, where it grows in desert and slope habitat. This is a hairy annual herb producing an erect stem 2 to 25 centimeters tall.
Ted Harinishi: Dawn at Anza-Borrego desert
Ted Harinishi: You can hear coyotes howling and the sound of wind
Ted Harinishi: Night in the desert
Ted Harinishi: Deep sandy area with endless Fremont Pincushion (White flowers)
Ted Harinishi: A giant 350 - foot long serpent with a tail of a rattlesnake and a head of a dragon _ Artist: Ricardo Breceda
Ted Harinishi: Parastic plant: Dodder (Looks orange spider webb) - 寄生植物
Ted Harinishi: 寄生植物 - Dodder is a fairly well known group of parastic plants that form iconic masses of orange, leafless vines over their hosts.
Ted Harinishi: Anza-Borrego Desert, Southern California
Ted Harinishi: Desert World _ Some people say if you too close to cholla cactus, they will jump on your body to hitch a ride for reproduce
Ted Harinishi: Anza-Borrego Desert
Ted Harinishi: Two caterpillars on the fisfhhook cactus are enjoying the morning sun
Ted Harinishi: Teddybear Cholla cacti with the morning sun
Ted Harinishi: Long Walk
Ted Harinishi: Yellow World _ Desert Dandelion (Malacothrix Glabrata)
Ted Harinishi: Desert Sunflowers (Geraea Canescens)
Ted Harinishi: Painted Desert butterfly
Ted Harinishi: It's hard to believe so many flowers in the middle of desert
Ted Harinishi: Desert Lily & Desert Dandelion
Ted Harinishi: Desert Sunflowers in the background - Sand Verbena (Purple color) and Dune Evening Primrose in the foreground
Ted Harinishi: Desert flowers & Crispy mud
Ted Harinishi: Dry mud area _ Most of area is deep sand except here
Ted Harinishi: Dune Evening Primrose - Large fragrant flowers, spreading branches; sandy areas.
Ted Harinishi: Desert shore in Salton Sea
Ted Harinishi: Badlands - This is one of the most striking vistas in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.
Ted Harinishi: All the way to horizon...
Ted Harinishi: There is nothing but wasteland and strong gusts
Ted Harinishi: Tough plants in Badlands