Ted Harinishi: Harlequin Lupine, Scientific name: Lupinus stiversii are endemic to California, only found naturally in the Sierra Nevada and the Santa Lucia Muntains - Yosemite National Park
Ted Harinishi: Spring has come _ My precious Kyohou巨峰 grapevine looks healthy after I chopped off all the branches covering the patio cover
Ted Harinishi: My tangelo oranges are soon to be harvested. Tangelos and Japanese Kyoho grapes love California sun and wind from Malibu Canyon.
Ted Harinishi: Fallen leaves in my yard
Ted Harinishi: Donkey Tail flowers or Burro's Tail
Ted Harinishi: Queen of the night in the dark night - Queen of the night only lives for one night (一夜限りの月下美人)
Ted Harinishi: My hydrangea has been blooming for 9 months. They continue to bloom even though it is around 4 degrees Celsius every morning
Ted Harinishi: Sunset view from our Calabasas friend's backyard
Ted Harinishi: The beauty of a cactus flower - Christmas cactus are in full bloom as usual this year
Ted Harinishi: A Daffodil / Narcissus in front of the lavenders
Ted Harinishi: 狂い咲き ー My "White" hibiscus is not supposed to bloom during the winter, but it bloomed madly in pink despite the near-freezing temperatures in the morning
Ted Harinishi: Flowers of callery pear tree
Ted Harinishi: Beauty Lies Nearby - Freesia in my backyard
Ted Harinishi: Camellia in the neighborhood
Ted Harinishi: Wildflower on the hiking trail
Ted Harinishi: Beginning of Narcissus season
Ted Harinishi: The white hibiscus blooms a whole day and then falls as soon as it closes like this  ー 花の命は短し
Ted Harinishi: Sycamore seeds waiting for spring
Ted Harinishi: The first time I've ever seen 7 flowers bloom at the same time in single night
Ted Harinishi: The end of the flower is also beautiful - The color changes to the flamingo color before falls to the ground
Ted Harinishi: Butterfly irises bloom at once, and fall at once, for a short life of 2 days, but they repeat flowering over dozen time during the season
Ted Harinishi: Spot light on freesia (freesia corymbosa) in my yard
Ted Harinishi: This hydrangea starts out green and turns white as the flower grows, then turns pink after a few weeks and back to green again after a few months. It is a long-lasting flower
Ted Harinishi: Sharing is Caring
Ted Harinishi: My roses turn from red to bright orange to pink, and final stage is purple-white- yellow
Ted Harinishi: Honey bee on my lavender
Ted Harinishi: Iceberg
Ted Harinishi: Geraniums in my garden keep blooming from March to summer
Ted Harinishi: Pink trumpet tree / Tabebuia Rosea
Ted Harinishi: My favorite geranium among my garden geranium