Ted Harinishi: IMG_1108 Vallee Blanche, off-piste skiing, Chamonix, France
Ted Harinishi: P2030579 Skiers Beware!!
Ted Harinishi: 20km downhill skiing from here to Chamonix village.   Snow tunnel at Aiguille du midi, starting point for the skiing Valle Blanche
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1014 Aiguille Du Midi Knife Ridge: So steep on either side that a fixed rope is installed throghout the winter. 3842m
Ted Harinishi: Ski guide Pierre and me at Vallee Blanche - CHAMONIX, FRANCE. It was the most thrilling experience ever 
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1010 氷り付いたナイフリッジ
Ted Harinishi: 海抜3800mから滑降開始
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1017
Ted Harinishi: この日は摂氏マイナス30度にウインドチルファクター( wind-chill factor)により体感温度がマイナス50度、その為両手小指が凍傷に罹り全治5ヶ月を要したのでそれ以来ミットグローブを使用している。
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1020 Too windy at Knife Ridge
Ted Harinishi: Vallee Blanche - This is Mecca for "off-piste" skiers
Ted Harinishi: IMG_3982 East side of Mont Blanc
Ted Harinishi: IMG_3533 A storm is coming.
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1012
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1707
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1034 Dent du Geant 4013 m, from Vallee Blanche. Minus 30 degree centigrade
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1736 Grandes Jorasses 4208 m, Dent Du Geant 4013 m
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1701 Top of the world
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1134 This is the skier's Mecca for "off-piste" skiers - Vallee Blanche, Chamonix, France
Ted Harinishi: Don't Fall Zone!!!
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1124
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1613 モンブラン 4810m
Ted Harinishi: IMG_3917 High Altitude
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1697氷の斜面ナイフリッジ
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1024 Off-Piste Skiers
Ted Harinishi: 下町まで直線で21km滑ることになる。
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1240 Powderrrrr!!!!! Vallee Blanche
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1674 High Altitude
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1052[1]
Ted Harinishi: IMG_1051 Glacier du Geant Valee Blanche