Ted Harinishi:
IMG_1108 Vallee Blanche, off-piste skiing, Chamonix, France
Ted Harinishi:
P2030579 Skiers Beware!!
Ted Harinishi:
20km downhill skiing from here to Chamonix village. Snow tunnel at Aiguille du midi, starting point for the skiing Valle Blanche
Ted Harinishi:
IMG_1014 Aiguille Du Midi Knife Ridge: So steep on either side that a fixed rope is installed throghout the winter. 3842m
Ted Harinishi:
Ski guide Pierre and me at Vallee Blanche - CHAMONIX, FRANCE. It was the most thrilling experience ever
Ted Harinishi:
IMG_1010 氷り付いたナイフリッジ
Ted Harinishi:
Ted Harinishi:
Knife ridge at the Aiguille du Midi, Chamonix Mont-Blan, minus 30 degrees with strong winds
Ted Harinishi:
この日は摂氏マイナス30度にウインドチルファクター( wind-chill factor)により体感温度がマイナス50度、その為両手小指が凍傷に罹り全治5ヶ月を要したのでそれ以来ミットグローブを使用している。
Ted Harinishi:
Starting point to the off-piste skiing at the Aiguille du Midi cable car station at the top is narrow and mostly frozen, making it dangerous to ski down from there, so you need to grab a rope and desend to a wider area where you can put on your skis
Ted Harinishi:
Vallee Blanche - This is the Ski Mecca for "off-piste" skiers
Ted Harinishi:
IMG_3982 East side of Mont Blanc
Ted Harinishi:
IMG_3533 A storm is coming.
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Ted Harinishi:
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IMG_1034 Dent du Geant 4013 m, from Vallee Blanch - It was a very cold day of minus 30 degrees Celsius with strong winds
Ted Harinishi:
IMG_1736 Grandes Jorasses 4208 m, Dent Du Geant 4013 m
Ted Harinishi:
IMG_1701 Top of the world
Ted Harinishi:
IMG_1134 This is the skier's Mecca for "off-piste" skiers - Vallee Blanche, Chamonix, France
Ted Harinishi:
Don't Fall Zone!!!
Ted Harinishi:
Ted Harinishi:
IMG_1613 モンブラン 4810m
Ted Harinishi:
IMG_3917 High Altitude
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Ted Harinishi:
IMG_1024 Off-Piste Skiers
Ted Harinishi:
Ted Harinishi:
IMG_1240 Powderrrrr!!!!! Vallee Blanche
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IMG_1674 High Altitude
Ted Harinishi:
Ted Harinishi:
IMG_1051 Glacier du Geant Valee Blanche