snow55: Sherman's First Morning
snow55: Sherman 7 Weeks
snow55: IMG_1456
snow55: Sherman's First Morning in His New Home
snow55: Sherman 7 Weeks
snow55: Sherman 7 Weeks
snow55: Sherman 7 Weeks
snow55: Sherman 8 Weeks
snow55: IMG_2070
snow55: IMG_2139
snow55: Sherman Without All the Tape on His Ears
snow55: Sherman Without All the Tape on His Ears
snow55: Sherman Without All the Tape on His Ears
snow55: Getting Ready for the First Annual U-City Dog Park Halloween Costume Party at the Boat House in Forest Park, St Louis.
snow55: Feeling Ridiculous
snow55: Sniffing Out The Competition
snow55: Too Important to Play with the Other Dogs
snow55: IMG_2934
snow55: Christmas Tree with Sherman Tree Topper
snow55: Closeup of the Sherman Topper
snow55: Sherman Waiting For Santa
snow55: Sherman's First Snow
snow55: Sherman Relaxing after a busy New Years Weekend
snow55: Sherman - Doing What Sherman Does Best
snow55: Sherman Relaxing after a busy New Years Weekend
snow55: Sherman at the Dog Park 03
snow55: Sherman at the Dog Park 02
snow55: Sherman at the Dog Park 01
snow55: Sherman & Lulu
snow55: Sherman in Forest Park 04